Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice, Storm, Target

Today I woke up very cold. It was because the heat was off. The heat was off because the power was off. It seems that overnight we had a bit of an ice storm causing every fucking tree in the state to topple over under the weight of the ice. We all awoke to cold toes and the cracking, popping noises of branches breaking. The neighborhoods looked like war-zones with debris covering the streets and yards and all the houses dark, powerless. Here is my street.

Bees-spot and I braved the storm to buy emergency provisions at Target. It was like a bank run. People we grabbing and pushing and buying everything in sight. We attempted to secure hotdogs, but the only thing left was pepperoni (picture forthcoming). However, they did have Toblerone, Saint-GĂ©ron bottled water, cashmere mittens, and bagged ice (for our gin and tonics). Thank God. Afterwards, we meandered through town and took jaunty pictures of ourselves, which we do every Monday night. Usually we can’t show people, but here’s one, just this once.

It’s about 10:30 pm now and we still have no power and my house is very cold. Please send gas-powered electric blankets. Target had none.


Anonymous said...

You know how little kids in NYC will unscrew a fire hydrant on a hot day, to bask in the cool water? Well, you should crack a gas pipe in the street and light it ablaze, to run/dance in the heat of the giant blowtorch. Just a suggestion.
Shoot me back an email to prove you're still alive!

The [Cherry] Ride said...

I love it that you went to Target for your emergency supplies, as opposed to a grocery or hardware store. Well-played.

But did you also get ice cream? I know that you can't survive without it.

Michael5000 said...

I thought about starting a disaster relief drive, but I guess you already have cashmire mittens.

TSTuesday said...

At least you have your priorities straight with the gin and tonics. A couple of those and you won't feel your frozen toes anymore!

Anonymous said...

didn't know it got that cold in los angeles.

Big Daddy said...


So you probably wouldn't like me telling you I had to open the windows at my place last night, because it was too hot from the radiators, huh?

The Yellow Dart said...

Toblerone, bottled water with some fancy French name, CASHMERE mittens?? You elitist snob. Why didn't you just go to Gelson's and leave Target's supplies for the survivalist class?

Mr. Shain said...

OMG... if only we had a gelson's in the tri-state area. have you ever been to oklahoma? we don't have nice things here.

the slackmistress said...

Start a fire in a trash can like a hobo, or move to a more civilized city.

Also, why are you working? Don't you get OMGGODSTRUCKUSDOWN days off saved up or something?

blythe said...

you would think, right? also, you'd think we'd get anti-abortion protest days, but no. jerks. hobo fire is brilliant. shain, we will start one tonight in your yard if your power's not back on yet. in the meantime, where are those pictures!

d said...

i agree with cherry: it's really awesome that you went to target for emergency provisions. uh. grocery store? i know they have dillon's in ok.

blythe said...

what the hell is dillon's? we only got homeland these days. or wal-mart. or super target. shit sucks here.

Mr. Shain said...

::dave:: this is why you're a writer. beautiful imagery. i'll send you pictures.

::cherry:: this is what people do here. and the grocery store and hardware store are both without power (still). i think we all know the answer regarding the ice cream.

::michael5k:: you can never have too many mittens.

::laughing:: it's very important to keep your priorities in line during a crisis.

::mark:: global warming.

::big daddy:: i hate radiators, so it's ok. also, i hate you.

::yellow:: yup.

::slackmistress:: hobo fires were all the rage in the late 80's. whatever happened to them? i work because there are students who need learning. but mostly because it's finals week and the university has no contingency plan for missing anything beyond one day.

::blythe:: i accidentally took the pictures on super-high res setting so they are each 7MB--too big to email. not to mention the fact that i'm trying to grade exams and finish my own term papers and i've got nothing better to do than resize your pictures and blog. wait...

::d:: i have no idea what dillons is. infact, we have only one chain of grocery store here now. we're truly not blessed.

::blythe:: yeah, it does.